Saturday, January 18, 2014

Suggestions and What You Want to See

Hello everyone! Just to get am idea of how many people actually read this, I'd really like to get a few comments. Also,I want to take suggestions on what you guys want to see. In my older blog I mainly just showed different costumes, but here I would like to do some new things. If you have any ideas or suggestions or just things you would like to see let me know. Here are some options of things I could do more: video or photography tutorials on certain skills, profiles and such on different costumers, analyzing/reviewing different characters and their costumes, show old costumes of my own, give updates on my current projects more often so the process can be seen, show some of my sketches... Etc. please tell me what you would like to see and let me know if any of the above ideas sound interesting!
On a side note, I'm doing a ton of registering for exhibiting at cons all around the world right now, and if you have any in particular you would like to see me and my art at, please let me know. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Raven; the info about Loki's costume is fascinating. Looking forward to seeing/hearing more about your work :)
