Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sandman Cosplay-Death and Delirium

If you need a good costume Sandman is always a good place to look to. There are plenty of great characters for both genders, and most costumes can be easily well done. Also, it's a great series and you will always get great response.
I made this Delirium costume for Boston Comic Con 2013 and this Death costume for a last minute cosplay at Rhode Island Comic Con  the same year.

This costume was very fun to put together, and very easy. Delirium has so many variations in the comics that you can pick and choose many elements and create your own version of the character.
I chose to use this hair and makeup (from Endless Nights) as well is this sort of look with the leather jacket and lots and lots of fish net (which is seen multiple times in the series):

 Really, the only thing I really had to make was the wig. For this I just styled it by pulling up some strands and weaving some together. Basically, just making it look messy and piling it up on top of itself.  I ordered a pack of tropical fish that I found on Amazon and pinned them throughout the wig, as well as a few on the jacket itself. Here are some photos of the finished costume:

 and the winner for the most Delirious pose goes to this one!
One thing to notice that I did for this costume is that I intentionally looked younger for Delirium than Death. If you look at the pictures above, you can see the poses and posture in which i held myself as well as the way I held my face and did the makeup make me look younger than in the photos of the Death costume (as Delirium is younger). One thing that really sells these costumes is acting the part.

Like the delirium costume, this costume is also very easy and fun to put together. I did this one for a last minute cosplay, so I put it together in about 30 minutes, which gives you an idea of how easy it can be. There are also many variations of this character, but she is always wearing black and a silver ankh necklace (which I simply cut out of thick cardboard from the back of a sketchbook, painted silver, and put on a silver chain). A very iconic prop for Death is a black umbrella, which all I could find was a samurai umbrella, so I just used that. Me and a fellow cosplayer as different versions of Death at Rhode Island Comic Con (photo cred AW Photogrophy), and two examples of different ideas of Death from the comics:

 The thing you need to make sure you have for a Death costume is the correct makeup! She has the eye of Ra painted on one eye, and black lipstick. The eye also has many variations, which can be seen in the photo above with me and the other cosplayer's idea of what Death looks like. Here are some photos of my finished Death costume:

These are both great costumes to make if you don't have a lot of time on your hands, or not a ton of experience. Or, if you want to be a great classic character! Below: Me and some other Sandman Cosplayers at Rhode Island Comic Con.

Level:  Very Easy
Budget: low
Time: Very Quick

Level: Very Easy
Budget: Low
Time: Very Quick

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